Nurture, Cherish, Succeed

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Nurture, Cherish, Succeed

Nurture, Cherish, Succeed

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  3. Reception- Spring term 1

Reception- Spring term 1

Topic: Animals and their habitats 

Core books this term 

The Gruffalo

The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson is a delightful story about a clever little mouse who ventures through the woods and encounters various predators like a fox, an owl, and a snake. To avoid being eaten, the mouse invents a terrifying creature called the Gruffalo, describing it with vivid details. However, the mouse is shocked to find that the Gruffalo is real! Using wit and bravery, the mouse convinces the Gruffalo that he is the scariest creature in the woods, turning the tables on all the animals he meets.

How it can support learning: The Gruffalo supports learning by engaging children with its rich language, rhyme, and repetition, which help develop early literacy skills. The story fosters creativity and imagination as children explore the woodland setting and invent their own creatures. It also introduces problem-solving and critical thinking as they consider how the mouse cleverly avoids danger. 

Possible themes in the story: Possible themes in The Gruffalo include bravery, as the mouse outsmarts larger predators using wit and cleverness, and the importance of creativity and resourcefulness in solving problems. 

Key vocabulary: Mouse, fox, owl, snake, Gruffalo, tusks, claws, teeth, prickles, roar, knobbly, forest, logpile, underground, stream, brave, clever, scared, terrible.

The three little pigs 

The Three Little Pigs is a classic tale about three sibling pigs who each build a house to protect themselves from a cunning wolf. The first pig builds a house of straw, the second a house of sticks, and the third a sturdy house of bricks. When the wolf comes along, he huffs and puffs to blow down the straw and stick houses, forcing the pigs to flee to the brick house. The story highlights the importance of hard work, preparation, and cleverness, as the wolf is unable to blow down the brick house, and the pigs ultimately outsmart him.

How it can support learning: The Three Little Pigs supports learning by fostering an understanding of problem-solving, perseverance, and teamwork. It introduces children to concepts of materials and construction, encouraging discussions about strength and stability. The story also enhances language development through its repetitive phrases and vivid storytelling, while promoting creative thinking as children explore alternate endings or design their own sturdy structures.

Possible themes in the story: The themes in The Three Little Pigs include perseverance, resourcefulness, and the value of hard work. It also highlights the importance of making thoughtful choices and learning from mistakes.

Key vocabulary: Pig, wolf, house, straw, sticks, bricks, huff, puff, blow, build, safe, strong, chimney, and boil.

A taste of some of the activities the children have explored in our provision...

Our Chinese New Year Celebrations

In our setting, we celebrated Chinese New Year with a variety of exciting activities set up across the provision. Outside, the children explored Chinese mud writing, practicing their mark-making skills. Inside, they created beautiful paper lanterns, while the curiosity cube displayed interesting cultural items such as red envelopes, fortune cookies, a lucky cat, and lanterns, sparking wonderful discussions. Our reading table featured our focus book along with colouring pages for the Year of the Snake. We also had a lovely Expressive Arts and Design (EAD) session where the children tasted Chinese food using chopsticks, made decorative masks, and performed a lively dragon dance in the playground. Through these hands-on experiences, the children developed an appreciation for Chinese traditions while having fun celebrating the Lunar New Year.