Nurture, Cherish, Succeed

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Nurture, Cherish, Succeed

Nurture, Cherish, Succeed

  1. Safeguarding
  2. Child Protection Procedures

Child Protection Procedures

Newbold Church  School has a duty of care to all of its pupils. Safeguarding arrangements at Newbold Church School are underpinned by three key principles:

  • Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility: all staff, Local Academy Committee Members and volunteers should play their full part in keeping children safe.
  • That Newbold Church school operates a child-centred approach: a clear understanding of the needs, wishes, views and voices of children.
  • That all Staff, Local Academy Committee Members and Volunteers have a clear understanding regarding abuse and neglect in all forms; including how to identify, respond and report. This also includes knowledge in the process for allegations against professionals.  Staff, Local Academy Committee Members and Volunteers should feel confident that they can report all matters of safeguarding children in the School or College where the information will be dealt with swiftly and securely, following the correct procedures with the safety and wellbeing of the children in mind at all times.


To find out more about our Safeguarding at NCS please see the Safeguarding tab or read our Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy .

Derby and Derbyshire Safeguarding Children Partnership 

Derbyshire County Council work in partnership with relevant agencies such as health providers, schools and education settings, probation providers and others to challenge and hold each other to account as to how they are keeping children safe. Click here for more information.

Derbyshire Starting Point

If you believe that any child is in danger ring Call Derbyshire tel: 01629 533190 choosing the option for urgent child protection calls at any time or contact the police by ringing their call centre number tel: 101 (24 hours per day).

If there are concerns about a child or young person’s safety then a social worker must carry out an assessment under section 47 of the Children Act 1989 which includes seeing the child or young person. Parents are normally asked for their consent before an assessment begins but a safeguarding assessment can take place even if parents don't agree to it. More information about Starting Point can be found here.


Throughout the school, in lots of different ways we, take a whole school approach to keeping children safe. This includes providing training for staff, providing children with a relationships and sex curriculum that includes consent and healthy relationships, making sure staff are vigilant to what is happening in the school, that they challenge any harmful behaviour, that it is easy for children to report any concerns, that they are keeping careful records, and making sure they respond appropriately to any incidents including the use of sanctions and interventions to challenge and change behaviour.

There are ways in which you can help at home to support our work in school. Take a look below...

Talk to your child : 
This can feel very challenging for those of us who were not brought up in homes where sexual behaviour and relationships were discussed, but if you don’t talk to your child about relationships, sex and touch, they will get their information from somewhere else (probably social media or friends). Never underestimate what they are hearing or experiencing – this starts at a young age. Talk about the importance of valuing and respecting your body and the bodies of others, of personal space and what consent means (e.g. asking before you touch someone). You know your child best – so as they grow older and develop, help them understand changes in their body and what a healthy and positive relationship looks and feels like. If you have a disabled child or a child with additional needs it is vital that you communicate with them about sexual behaviour as research shows they are at greater risk of sexual harm and potentially of engaging in harmful sexual behaviour.


Challenge your child if they use language that is sexist, homophobic or transphobic or express attitudes towards other children that are not respectful: 
Explain the harm this can cause and how this creates an environment where other children do not feel safe.
Keep communication open so your child knows they can ask you anything. Expect the weird and sometimes shocking, try as best as you can to stay calm, and if you have worries about what they have shared, know when to get help.


Be hyper aware of the online world: Talk to your child about the importance of keeping information, photos and videos private, but equally of not sharing anything private of other people, and leaving chats or groups where that type of behaviour is taking place. Guidance for keep safe online for specific social media platforms can be found here.


Know when to get help: Schools have a legal duty to keep children safe from all forms of bullying and harm. If you are concerned about behaviour at our school, or the safety of your child or another pupil in school, we will take it seriously.


Remember your child is influenced by their environment: Children are shaped by those around them, their family and friends, and the community and society in which they are growing up. Be mindful of your own language, thoughts, actions and relationships and what they communicate to your child.


Challenge family and friends who say or do things around your child that are sexist or harmful to others or give the wrong impression of what a good relationship looks like: Help your child to be critical of what they read, hear, or see – particularly on social media, and help them see the value in healthy, positive relationships that build confidence, promote mutual pleasure and support, and give them the love and fulfilment they deserve

Who is Who?


The school Safeguarding Leads and governor can be contacted at the school office on 01246 232370 or, alternatively via email, at and state the subject as FAO DSL.