Anti Bullying team
At Newbold Church School we have 12 ambassadors who make up our anti-bullying team, with representatives from each year group, from Year 1 to Year 6.
These children were voted to represent classes by peers, following their presentation about why they should be chosen, and why they felt passionate about this role.
They meet regularly to discuss issues raised by pupils or staff, to continue to promote anti bullying and support peers to feel safe, valued and respected in our school.
Our current Anti Bullying ambassadors are:
Wyatt, Jenson-Joe, Keelan, Grace-Emma, Skye, Freddie, Keira, Ollie, Blake, Nancy, Heidi and Oscar.
How we define bullying in our school
Our NCS definition of bullying
We believe that bullying is a deliberate attempt to hurt others, either mentally, physically or verbally, and is repetitive. (This means it happens on more than one occasion)
We use V.I.P to define bullying – this means verbal, indirect or physical.
Some examples of verbal bullying are:
- name calling
- swearing
- spreading rumours.
Some examples of indirect bullying are:
- vandalising property
- leaving you out of games on purpose.
Some examples of physical bullying are:
- punching
- kicking
- pinching
We think that bullying can be in person, or in the form of cyber bullying (this is online and can be via text messaging and social media apps)
Bullies sometimes try to intentionally hurt others on the sly so that it is hard for other people to notice.
Our Pledge
As anti-bullying ambassadors we will try to identify if a peer is being bullied, and will speak to an appropriate grown up. We will support our peers to make friends, have someone to play with and feel safe at NCS.
If you need a buddy we are always here.
A parents Guide to Anti-Bullying
The below information may serve as a reminder and offers a simple step by step guide for parents. It can be found in the newsletter section of school jotter.
'On the internet' is a story on the childnet website that is aimed at young children aged 4 and above.
Stories about Smartie the penguin for children aged 3-7 can be found here:
Also aimed at 3-7 year olds childnet have stories about digiduck which can be found using the link below:
Useful websites
The below websites can offer support and advice to children and young people, as well as parents and carers. Click on the links to go straight to the websites for useful resources, tips and further guidance.
Take a look at the books below that can support with bullying. This document is approved by the DfE.
Antibullying Assemblies
Odd Socks Day
We put on odd socks to celebrate that we are all unique and to celebrate differences.
The next odd sock day will be in November 2024
Kind words graffiti art afternoon
We invited parents to help us create some art work centered around a kind word. We have a kindness wall display in school.
Dress Up as a Kind word day
Can you guess what kind words we are representing... compassion? kindness? love? generosity?
Random act of kindness
Even staff started spreading a little extra kindness than usual......
If you have any concerns about bullying, are unsure what to do if you feel you are being bullied (verbally, physically, or indirectly) or would like someone to talk to, find one of our anti bullying team to help you.
There are 2 ambassadors in every class so there'll always be a buddy looking out for you!
Meeting Minutes 2024/2025
Please click on the links below to find the minutes from each of our anti -bullying team meetings.
Types of Bullying
There are 3 main types of bullying known as the VIP - Verbal, Physical and Indirect.
School Policies
Please click on the relevant policies below to read more. All of our policies linked to Anti Bullying , Online Safety, Cyber bullying and social media and more can be found under the parents - policies pages.