Nurture, Cherish, Succeed

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Cranborne Road, Newbold, Chesterfield, S41 8PF

01246 232370

Nurture, Cherish, Succeed

Nurture, Cherish, Succeed

  1. About Us
  2. EYFS
  3. Baby and Toddler groups at The Nest

Tuesday 1pm - 2pm term time only *


Thursday 1pm - 2pm term time only *


Suitable for children aged 0 - 3 years


 * Term dates can be found here

 ** Please check the NCS Facebook page for updates and changes to sessions.  


The group is run by our Nursery teacher Melanie Johnson and Nursery Nurse Nancy Gautrey.


Children have a stimulating environment in which to play and we offer the children the opportunity to join in with free play, crafts, singing, outdoor play, messy and sensory play. We also have a range of support leaflets available for parents to browse through.


If you are thinking of enrolling your child for entry into our Nursery class, this is a great opportunity to allow your child to become familiar with the Nursery environment and Nursery staff!

A bit more information about our toddler group…

  • As it stands we are not limiting the number of families at the groups, as such you do not need to book the sessions. We will ask you to sign in each time so we can keep a track of numbers. 
  • The sessions will be free, but we will not be providing drinks at this time. So please bring your child a drink and a drink for yourself. If it is a hot drink it will need to be in a safety mug. 
  • While the children are at the sessions, they will remain your responsibility and we ask that you remain with your child/ren at all times.
  • The sessions will be very informal, the weeks will follow a set theme and you will have the use of the indoor and outdoor areas. The indoor area will look different to how we have it set up for nursery, so that we can ensure age-appropriate resources are available.  We will be on hand to chat and play, and we will set up displays to offer support and advice on topics such as sleeping or weaning. 
  • We are very much looking forward to welcoming you to the sessions and hope that you will enjoy exploring and playing together at The Nest. 


Take a look at some of the activities on offer…

Advice for parents


Updated October 2024