What does a session look like?
Each session is made up in the same way:
- Welcome - Starting the session off by sharing what we have been doing.
- Work and Make - These activities are practical and develop concentration, independence and resilience. The activities are often linked to what the pupils are learning in class.
- Task 1 - This is individual play and is used to develop focus, play skills, independence and organisation.
- Task 2 - This is the time of the session when the children play in pre-determined groups to develop co-operative play and working together,
- Circle time - This is time to focus on social skills, the skills for learning and raise self-esteem.
- Snack Time - A time to come together as a group to share food and experiences.
- Story Time - A time to begin to wind down and enjoy a story together.
- Reward and goodbye - A chance to be rewarded for the positive skills we have developed and a calm end to the day where we reflect on the good things we have achieved.
Updated October 2024