Whole School Science Week March 2025 - Sustainability
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Whole School Science - March 2024
As part of Science Week 2024, we held a full school science day. This included inviting in external experts to help the children to explore aspects of science not normally accessible in daily curriculum. This included inviting the local secondary school to work with Y6, which also helped as part of their transition period to the next stage of their school journey.
To finish our day with a bang, we had a whole class rocket launch!
Science in our Classes
Nursery science - Water tray (floating, sinking, absorbency of materials)
Nursery science - Sand tray (consistency of materials, role play)
Nursery science - Construction area (junk modelling, different types of materials)
Nursery science - Mud kitchen (consistency of materials, scented herbs, stones, minibeasts, ice, snow, melting)
Year One, investigating the seasons.
The children are working on their scientific inquiry skills by looking for and exploring signs of the seasons in the school grounds.
The children took a journey stick with them and attached signs of the season to the stick. The children discussed signs of winter with the bare trees, sticks, pinecones and also spotted signs that we are transitioning into spring. They saw buds on trees, birds making nests as well as spring flowers such as daffodils and primulas.
Year One, exploring their senses.
The children explored their senses by tasting different foods and matching the foods to the 5 groups that the tongue can taste; sweet, sour, savoury, salty and bitter.
Year 1 materials.
Year 1 have been looking at materials. As part of this learning, children have been learning all about melting and freezing. As part of this, the children had to work out how to melt ice to free Diddy Duck!
Continuing with their learning about materials, Year 1 explored which materials float and which sink. We looked at size, mass and shape and thought about if this made a difference.
Year 3 - Rocks
Year 3 have been exploring rock composition and classifying rocks.
As part of this work, the children have been experimenting to see which rocks absorbed water, which were soft and hard and which (if any) floated.
Year 3 have been looking at fossils.
They continued their learning by conducting some soil experiment sieving.
Finally, they conducted comparative soils test.
Year 4 Autumn data collection.
Year 4 have been collecting data about invertebrates, vertebrates, flowering and non- flowering plants in their school environment.