Nurture, Cherish, Succeed

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Nurture, Cherish, Succeed

Nurture, Cherish, Succeed

  1. About Us
  2. Curriculum
  3. Art
  4. Coverage and Progression
  5. Coverage and progression In Y1

Coverage and Progression in Year 1

Please scroll to the bottom to see our Year Ones at work.


Drawing: Make your mark

Exploring mark making and line; working and experimenting with different materials through observational and collaborative pieces.

Painting and Mixed Media

Painting and mixed media: Colour splash

Exploring colour mixing through paint play, using a range of tools to paint on different surfaces and creating paintings inspired by Clarice Cliff and Jasper Johns.

Sculpture and 3D

Sculpture and 3D: Paper play

Creating simple three dimensional shapes and structures using familiar materials, children develop skills in manipulating paper and card. They fold, roll and scrunch materials to make their own sculptures. This unit contains three brand new lessons and two existing Kapow Primary lessons.

Craft and Design

Craft and Design : Woven Wonders

This unit focuses on developing pupils' ability to express opinions about art, use creative techniques like wool wrapping and weaving, and understand the work of artists like Cecilia Vicuña. It emphasises skills such as measuring, choosing materials, and resilience in artistic creation, catering to children's creative and cognitive development. 

Year 1 Associated Vocabulary

Year Ones at work 24-25

As part of Year 1's art lessons in Autumn term, the children learnt all about how lines can be used in art. The children started by exploring simple straight and wavy lines using wool. The children were able to use the pieces of wool to make horizontal, diagonal, vertical, wavy and cross-hatch lines. The children then used pencils and their sketch books to practice these further. 

Next, the children explored how lines could be used to make a group piece of art. We chose to look at under the sea, used some music and coral videos to inspire us, then used a variety of materials to draw lines with. This included pens, pencils, crayons, chalks and charcoal. 

Within their sketch books the children have also been exploring light and shade, and have used these techniques to sketch pines cones and pumpkins. 


Year 1 have moved on to look at paint and colour mixing. Today we explored the primary colours. We used these to create an art piece for our books. Some children started to explore mixing primary to make secondary colours. 

In our 3rd unit of art, we have been exploring 3-dimensional art work. The children have been sculpting with paper using different techniques to make a 3-D picture. The children rolled their paper strips, folded and lopped as well as using tabs to attach the work to the base. 

Year Ones at work 23-24

Our first piece of art work is exploring lines. We looked at Bridget Riley who is an artist from London who created lots of pieces of art using different forms of line. 

The children looked at her artwork and considered what they thought it reminded them off. We then looked at different lines; horizontal; vertical; diagonal; wavy; cross-hatch and broken lines, to make different patterns using wool. 

After we explored the lines we then explored making permanent lines using 2 colours of chalk on black paper. Some children explored smudging the chalk to make different images. 

Here are their results.....

The next part of our Art journey is to apply the lines into our art work with a purpose. We used a piece of music and video with waves on to explore how waves move and the lines they make. 

The children then had a go at recreating the wave lines in a team art piece. We used different mediums, chalk, pencil, pencil crayons and pens. The children then looked around their friend's work and told them which parts they liked the best. 

We then applied this to our sketch books and used 2 colours to create waves in the ocean. Again, the children were able to choose between the 4 different mediums. 

Colour Splash

The children have started this new unit by exploring primary and secondary colours in paint. They experimented and mixed different colours to find how primary colours can be combined to make secondary colours. 

We then used this knowledge to design and use paint to decorate numbers 1-9, just like the painter Jasper Johns did in 1958-59.