Nurture, Cherish, Succeed

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Cranborne Road, Newbold, Chesterfield, S41 8PF

01246 232370

Nurture, Cherish, Succeed

Nurture, Cherish, Succeed

  1. Parents
  2. Admissions
  3. School admissions

School Admissions


Newbold Church of England Primary School is a school whose foundation is solidly built on the teachings of Christ’s Gospel. The ethos in the school is unashamedly Christian in character. We enjoy close links with our parish church of St. John The Evangelist, Newbold.

Derby Diocesan Multi Academy Trust (DDAT) is the Admissions Authority for the school and has delegated all matters relating to admissions to the Local Governing Body of Newbold Church of England Primary School.  It is the duty of the Governing Body to draw up and implement both the Admission Policy and Over-subscription Criteria. Any comments regarding the Admission arrangements can be sent to the Chief Executive Officer (Derby Diocesan Academy Trust), Derby Church House, Full Street, Derby, DE1 3DR

The admission policy has been adopted by the Local Academy Committee.

In all cases admissions will be made via the Local Authority’s Centralised Admission System.


All decisions relating to admission applications will be taken by the Local Academy Committee of the school.


For more information please see the 2024 Admissions Policy

For more information please see the 2025 Admissions Policy

For more information please see the 2026 Admissions Policy



Updated February 2025